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School Bus Trip K-12 Emergency Procedures
Type: Administrative Procedure
Code: 709.4
Adopted Date: 2/1/1990
Revised Date(s): 07/16/2007, 08/31/2010, 05/08/2017
Reviewed Date(s): 02/01/1990, 02/07/1997, 11/19/2002, 07/16/2007, 08/31/2010, 04/11/2016, 05/08/2017, 06/25/2018

In case of an emergency during a school trip, the coach will make decisions that affect students participating in the activity. Try to base options on as much weather/road information as you can gather. If possible, make contact with school personnel and confer with the driver before deciding what to do in a given situation. For road and bus safety situations, the driver will be held legally accountable.

Generally, if there is any question about weather or road conditions, put the group up in a hotel as safety is of utmost importance. Most hotels will allow a charge to the school district account. It is best to be prepared in the event a personal check or credit card needs to be written for lodging or meals for unprepared students.

Please do the following:

1. Require students to dress for bad weather even on short bus trips.

2. Use district approved technology with your team or activity members in Moorhead so contact with parents can be made quickly.

3. Provide the activities director with the required travel report forms for day trips and overnight trips (blue form) prior to the trip.

Each coach and lead staff member on trips will have contact information for at least the following people and agencies: activities director, director of transportation and safety, transportation department secretary, Minnesota Road and Travel Information, and Minnesota State Patrol. The activities office will provide the list of media contacts and district contacts at the beginning of the season. The activities office will annually update the emergency information with the director of transportation and safety.