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Windchill: 52°F (11°C)

As of Jun 5 2024, 6:35 am

Students »

  • Each day more than 5,500 students learn and thrive in Moorhead Area Public Schools. We are proud of your successes both inside and outside the classroom.
  • Bullying Prevention

SPUDS Landing »

Parents »

New Families »

Community »

  • From seeing how the district spends tax dollars to providing opportunities for lifelong learning, Moorhead Area Public Schools and the community are partners in education. We welcome your interest.
Lifelong Learning

Resident Families

New Student Registration »

Moved into the District?

New K-12 students who move into the district during the year should complete the New Student Registration online. Required documents may be emailed to or brought to the Enrollment Office at the District Operations Center as outlined in the online registration form. Call the enrollment office at 218-284-3371 for information.

Students enrolling in a Minnesota public school for the first time must provide the following:

  • Birth Certificate or Passport
  • Proof of district residency
  • Updated record listing state required immunizations by day, month, year of vaccination

Moorhead Area Public Schools will request a transfer of records from the previous school attended.

K-4 students are required to attend elementary school in the attendance area in which the family resides unless the proper boundary exception request form has been completed and approved.

Families will be contacted by the school regarding their student’s start date and next steps. If students are registering for grades 7-12, their registration is not complete until the school has contacted them to register for classes.

Middle school and high school students who move into the district during the summer should complete the online 2019-20 new student registration and attend a new student registration session in August at the school.

I've Enrolled My Child, Now What?

Now that your child is enrolled in Moorhead Area Public Schools, you will want to:

  • Use your PowerSchool parent/guardian account so you can monitor your student's attendance, grades and meal account information and access school announcements and teacher pages.
  • Review the student handbook for your student's school. Handbooks are posted on each school's page.
  • Get involved with the Parent Teacher Advisory Council at your student’s school. Meeting dates are listed on the calendar.
  • Talk to your student's teacher or your school principal if you need more information.

We want your experience with Moorhead Area Public Schools to be a positive one. Thank you for partnering with us to help your child reach his or her maximum potential.