View Policies and Procedures

Moorhead Elementary Schools Parent Teacher Advisory Council (PTAC) Operating Procedures
Type: Administrative Procedure
Section: 500 STUDENTS
Code: 538.1
Adopted Date: 1/8/2018
Revised Date(s):
Reviewed Date(s):


The name of this organization shall be Parent Teacher Advisory Council, hereafter known as PTAC, with four branches as follows: Robert Asp Elementary, Ellen Hopkins Elementary, Probstfield Elementary, S.G. Reinertsen Elementary and Dorothy Dodds Elementary.


The mission is to effectively serve students, parents, teachers and administrators to enhance the education process and provide a better learning environment.


The purpose shall be to:

A. Enhance communication and collaboration between parents, teachers, principals, district administrators, and the school board.
B. Enhance school spirit.
C. Organize, assist and encourage participation in fundraising efforts for the benefit of the students at each elementary school and the betterment of their school experience.
D. Represent each elementary school on various school district committees.
E. Work for the students and school benefit by organizing various school functions.


All parents/guardians are members of the Parent Teacher Advisory Council.


Meetings are held monthly during the school year or more often as needed. The place, time, dates of meeting are cooperatively established and announced in the school district calendar. Any parent, teacher or administrator is welcome to attend the PTAC meetings.

Organizational meetings will be held in September of each year. The organizational meeting will include the executive committee, past officers and committee chairpersons.


At the last scheduled meeting of each school year, the members present shall elect officers who will assume their duties on August 1 of that year.

A. Elected Officers: The officers elected shall consist of a president, president-elect, secretary and treasurer.
B. Term of Office: All officers shall fill a term of one year, not to exceed two consecutive terms. 
C. Duties of Officers:
1. The president shall:
a. Preside at all PTAC meetings.
b. Appoint the chairperson of each committee in the spring for the following year.
c. Work with each chairperson in establishing the number of volunteers necessary to complete the task charged.
d. Be a cosigner with the treasurer for the checking and savings accounts.
e. Work on the monthly agenda with the president-elect.
f. Perform such other duties as requested by the membership or the executive committee.
g. The president and president-elect mutually agree on the division of the standing committees they supervise.
h. Establish an annual budget for the year along with the treasurer and principal to be approved by the PTAC.
2. The president-elect shall:
a. Preside at all PTAC meetings in the absence of the president.
b. Assist the president in the execution of his or her duties.
c. Perform such other duties as requested by the membership or the executive committee.
d. Work on monthly agenda with president.
e. The president and president-elect mutually agree on the division of standing committees they supervise.
f. Review monthly bank statements and treasurer’s reports for accuracy and completeness.
3. The secretary shall:
a. Record the proceedings of all PTAC meetings.
b. Maintain PTAC records.
c. Be responsible for the correspondence of the PTAC.
d. Perform such other duties as requested by the membership or the executive committee.
4. The treasurer shall:
a. Be custodian of all PTAC funds, maintaining accurate records and keeping all receipts and bank statements throughout the entire term of office.
(1) Receipts: money count slips must be used at all PTAC-sponsored events.
(2) All other incoming/outgoing receipts must be itemized.
(3) Petty cash should be kept available in the amount decided by the PTAC. This money should be from PTAC funds.
(4) Collect and disperse funds as requested by the membership or the executive committee. Purchases will only be made by a vote of the executive committee or the PTAC.
(5) Shall distribute a monthly treasurer report at each monthly PTAC meeting.
(6) Be a cosigner with the president of the checking and savings accounts. It is mandatory that two people should be involved in the authorization and signing of any check.
(7) Perform such other duties as requested by the membership or the executive committee.
(8) Meet with appointed PTAC members to audit the books at the end of the term.
(9) Prepare an annual financial report at the end of the fiscal school year. One copy of the monthly and annual financial reports shall be placed in the treasurer’s notebook and one copy kept on file in the PTAC file cabinet.
(10) Establish an annual budget for the year along with the president and principal to be approved by the PTAC.
D. Vacancy in office: A vacancy of an elected position shall be filled by appointment of the executive committee.


A. Members: The PTAC executive committee shall be comprised of the elected officers (president, president-elect, secretary, treasurer) and the principal.
B. The executive committee shall meet at the discretion of the president and/or principal.

C. Duties: Meetings: The executive committee shall transact all PTAC business between the regular meetings of the PTAC.


Each elementary school will establish their respective committees as needed. In addition, each elementary school will be responsible for assigning a representative(s) to serve on the following district committee.

A. Instruction and Curriculum Advisory Committee (ICAC).
1. Each committee chairperson shall:
(a) Be responsible for soliciting volunteers and shall report to the executive committee for assistance if he or she cannot staff the committee.
(b) Be responsible for updating the organization as to the progress of the committee’s work at each regular PTAC meeting or at a special meeting of the executive committee as called for by the president.
(c) Be responsible for filing committee papers, including a wrap-up summary in the permanent PTAC file cabinet, and a final year-end written report given to the president.

C. The committee members shall:

1. Work with the committee chairpersons to complete the task as charged.
2. Be responsible to the committee chairperson.
3. Comply with the PTAC budget for the respective committee.


A. All members shall be voting members except the president and the school principal.

B. In the case of a tie vote, the president shall cast the tie-breaking vote.