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School Bus Code of Conduct
Type: Administrative Procedure
Code: 709.1
Adopted Date: 7/24/2023
Revised Date(s): 07/25/2023
Reviewed Date(s):

School Bus Code of Conduct


To ensure the safety of all students riding buses in Moorhead Area Public Schools, appropriate behavior is required for all students. Transportation to and from school is an extension of the classroom and should be considered part of the school day. The issue of safety requires students to be on their best behavior while on school buses or vehicles. Violations of school bus rules will be addressed in the manner listed below. 


Video Camera Systems


All buses are equipped with video surveillance equipment. This equipment is used to view student/driver behavioral issues by the transportation staff and principal/principal designee and other appropriate staff.


Driver and school administrators will generally observe the following steps when the driver submits a School Bus Disciplinary Report. However, if a student engages in severe misconduct as a first offense, the school administration is authorized to modify the disciplinary consequences, as appropriate. Depending upon the student’s conduct, the school administration is authorized to skip the steps below and impose more severe disciplinary consequences, if circumstances warrant.


The School District Behavior Code is in effect for all students at all times when being transported on school buses to and from school or school activities. Thus, while students may lose the privilege to ride the bus due to their misconduct, the student may also be disciplined according to the District’s Code of Character, Conduct, and Support, up to and including suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and notification to law enforcement.


The school district school bus safety rules are posted on every bus.  If these rules are broken, the school district’s discipline procedures will be followed.  Offenses are categorized as Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3.  Each level of offense has associated consequences that are progressive and may include suspension of bus privileges.  It is the school bus driver’s responsibility to report unacceptable behavior to the school district Transportation office and the appropriate school office.  Rules also apply to each bus stop.


Rules at the Bus Stop


  1. Get to your bus stop five minutes before your scheduled pick-up time.  The bus driver will not wait for late students.
  2. Respect the property of others while waiting at your bus stop.
  3. Keep your arms, legs, and belongings to yourself.
  4. Use appropriate language.
  5. Stay away from the street, road, or highway when waiting for the bus.
  6. Wait until the bus stops before approaching the bus.
  7. After getting off the bus, move away from the bus.
  8. If you must cross the street, always cross in front of the bus where the driver can see you.  Wait for the driver to signal to you before crossing the street.
  9. No fighting, harassment, intimidation, or horseplay.
  10. No use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.


Discipline of Students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 Plans:


Students with IEPs or 504s will be disciplined in accordance with federal state law including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, as set forth in the procedures developed by the administration.



  • Immediate bus driver and administration response to re-engage student
  • Behavior concerns require drivers and administration to use prevention strategies to address low-impact behaviors and may involve consultation with student support team members.  Email notification to parents and additional offenses will be documented and will result in a bus suspension up to 5 days for repeated offenses.


  • Assigned consequences including short-term/temporary bus suspension
  • These behavior infractions (including persistent Level 1 concerns) will be documented and will result in meetings with parents/guardians and will result in a bus suspension up to 30 days.


  • Assigned consequences including long-term and permanent bus suspension
  • These behavior infractions present a risk to the safety, health, or welfare of adults and students and will involve bus suspensions for at least a minimum of 30 days and up to the remainder of the school year.  It will also include a student and parent/guardian conference with the administrator.


Level I Offenses

Level I Consequences

?       Refusing to follow driver directions;

?       Getting on or off the bus at an unauthorized stop without permission;

?       Standing or sitting improperly while the bus is moving;

?       Riding the wrong bus without permission from the principal;

?       General horseplay;

?       Making loud noises;

?       Profanity/Obscene Gestures;

?       Littering;

?       Possession of tobacco products, e-cigarettes or vaping devices;

?       Delaying bus services by tardiness, loitering, etc.


*School administration may classify a Level I offense as a Level II offense if the infraction seriously jeopardizes the health and/or safety of others.

1st Referral -- Warning and parent contact


2nd Referral and subsequent referrals -- In school consequence, parent contact and/or one (1) to (5) day bus suspension


Additional Level 1 referrals will result in administrative review and may be accelerated to a Level II offense


Level II Offenses

Level II Consequences

?       Use of tobacco products, e-cigarettes, or vaping devices;

?       Throwing objects out of bus;

?       Profanity directed at staff;

?       Rude, discourteous behavior directed at staff;

?       Vandalism [restitution may be required];

?       Harassing, threatening or intimidating another student;

?       Fighting;

?       Stealing;

?       Inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature;

?       Other safety violations that may interfere with the safe operation of the school bus.


*School administration may classify a Level II offense as a Level III offense if the infraction seriously jeopardizes the health and/or safety of others.

1st Referral -- Suspension from bus up to ten (10) days and parent conference


2nd Referral -- Suspension from bus ten (10) days and parent conference


3rd Referral -- Suspension from bus thirty (30) days, possible removal and

parent conference



Level III Offenses

Level III Consequences

?       Possession, use or transfer of weapons;

?       Sexual offenses (which include sexual acts that do not result in criminal offense);

?       Arson;

?       Impeding the operation of a school bus;

?       Distribution, sale, purchase, use or being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance;

?       Threatening to take the life of or inflict bodily harm to a school employee;

?       Ganging;

?       Bomb threat.

 Any referral - Minimum thirty (30) days suspension from bus and possible removal from the bus for the remainder of the school year and parent conference.


*Note:  Students who are suspended will not receive transportation from the school district during the duration of the suspension.  There will be no exceptions.