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Comparable Worth/Pay Equity Review Process
Type: Administrative Procedure
Code: 403.1
Adopted Date: 3/23/1989
Revised Date(s): 05/23/2006, 11/13/2009, 12/14/2009, 04/14/2014, 03/11/2016, 04/10/2017
Reviewed Date(s): 11/01/1994, 02/07/1997, 03/10/2000, 11/10/2001, 05/13/2002, 09/16/2003, 03/17/2006, 05/23/2006, 12/14/2009, 04/14/2014, 04/10/2017

I.  Timelines

A. New job descriptions will be reviewed and evaluated as they are developed.

B. Existing job descriptions may be reviewed and evaluated annually if requested. The deadline for submission will be March 15th of each year.

II.  Review Process

A. New and revised job descriptions will be developed and reviewed by the supervisor and the employee(s) affected to ensure that the description accurately reflects the position. Revised job descriptions must change substantially from the original job description to reflect increased levels of responsibility or scope of position in order to be submitted to the next level for review. Adding tasks at the same level of responsibility and scope will not warrant a review.

B. The supervisor will send new and/or revised job descriptions to the next level in the organization for review. When all appropriate supervisors have signed off that the job description is accurate it is sent to the Executive Director of Human Resources for submission to the school district's pay equity consultant for formal review and recommendation for placement on the proper band and grade reflected by the job description.

C. Upon receiving the recommendation on the band and grade placement from the consultant, the Executive Director of Human Resources will take the results to the Comparable Worth Committee for final approval. The Executive Director of Human Resources will inform the employee, supervisor and building administrator/department head of the decision of the Comparable Worth Committee to either approve or disapprove the change.

III. Effective Date of Pay Changes

A. New job descriptions which have been approved will be paid at the approved band and grade on the first payday following approval for any affected employees.

B. Revised job descriptions may be subject to either pay increases or pay freezes, depending on the final placement on the approved band and grade. Salary adjustments will occur as follows:

1. Salary increases resulting from the review of a singular job description will go into effect on the first payday following final approval.

2. Salary increases resulting from a district initiated study of multiple job descriptions will go into effect on the first payday following the beginning of the next fiscal year. 

3. If a job description placement reflects a lower band and grade, the placement is done in accordance with the direction of the Comparable Worth Committee.

4. If a job description placement reflects a higher band and grade, the placement will be done in accordance with the Master Agreement. If the Master Agreement does not define placement, placement will be completed by moving the employee to that lane and the step representing an increase in pay plus one (1) additional step.
5. Any changes subject to the negotiation process will not go into effect until that process has been completed.
IV.  Comparable Worth Committee Membership

The Comparable Worth Committee will consist of the following members:

1. Superintendent

2. Assistant Superintendent of Business and Administrative Services

3. Executive Director of Human Resources

Legal References:
Minn. Stat. 471.991 (Definitions)
Minn. Stat. 471.992 (Equitable Compensation Relationships)
Minn. Stat. 471.993 (Compensation Relationships of Positions)
Minn. Stat. 471.994 (Job Evaluation System)
Minn. Stat. 471.9966 (Effect on Other Law)