View Policies and Procedures

Performance Evaluation of School District Employees
Type: Administrative Procedure
Code: 470.1
Adopted Date: 8/26/2002
Revised Date(s): 10/16/2006, 04/09/2012, 04/10/2017
Reviewed Date(s): 10/16/2006, 04/09/2012, 04/10/2017


The purpose of this policy is to establish and maintain a performance evaluation process for all employees, following applicable state statute and current contract language. 
The overall goal of the performance evaluation is to determine the level of competency in individuals employed by the Moorhead Area Public Schools and to take steps to continuously improve that level of competency. Since a high quality, competent staff is necessary in order to achieve the mission of the school district in educating the children of the school district, the performance evaluation is regarded as one critical step in meeting this goal.


1. Probationary Periods

Those employees who have probationary periods will be evaluated in accordance with applicable Minnesota statutes or master agreement in order to determine their fitness for regular employment. Supervisors will formally evaluate probationary employees and identify areas of improvement and areas of competency. Areas of deficiency may result in a formal improvement plan to assist in overcoming noted deficiencies. Regular employee or continuing contract status will be decided prior to the end of the probationary period based on the completed performance evaluation. Evaluation forms vary by contract group.

2. Regular and/or Continuing Contract Employees

Performance evaluation frequency varies by master agreement. Most agreements have language requiring an annual evaluation of performance. When an aspect of an employee's work performance is in question and progressive discipline may be required, formal evaluation of performance may be utilized to support an improvement plan.

3. Performance Evaluation Process

a. The frequency of probationary and regular employee and continuing contract performance appraisals is determined by Minnesota statute, master agreements, or in the absence of statute or contact language, by the Executive Director of Human Resources.

b. The Department of Human Resources will provide support to the supervisor to identify probationary periods per contract, performance appraisal tools, and due dates for completion of performance appraisals.

c. The supervisor notifies the employee of a pending evaluation, makes preparations, schedules a time for the evaluation and performs the evaluation.

4. Performance Improvement

a. The supervisor determines when an employee's work performance is not meeting standards of performance. In certain positions, deficiency in performance may be defined by Minnesota statute and/or contract language.
b. The supervisor will provide feedback regarding substandard performance, document concerns on the performance evaluation form and meet with the employee to discuss corrective measures. A representative from the human resources department and a union representative may attend as dictated by contract language.
5. Complete evaluations will be provided to the department of human resources to be included in the individual personnel file.
Legal References:
Minn. Stat. 122A.40. Subds. 5 and 8 (Employment; Contracts; Termination)
Minn. Stat. 13.43 (Personnel Data)
Cross References:
Moorhead School Board Policy 414: Employee Public and Private Personnel Data 

Superintendent Contract
Administrator Contract
Principal Contract
Supervisor Contract
Confidential Administrative Assistant Contract
Administrative Assistant and Clerical Contract
Paraprofessional Contract
Custodial Contract
Technical Contract
Non-Aligned Contract
Bus Driver Contract
Food Service Contract