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School District Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Procedure
Type: Administrative Procedure
Code: 719.1
Adopted Date: 6/13/2005
Revised Date(s): 12/16/2008, 04/11/2016
Reviewed Date(s): 12/16/2008, 04/11/2016, 12/10/2018
An automatic external defibrillator (AED) is used to treat victims who experience sudden cardiac arrest. It is only to be applied to victims who are unconscious, not breathing normally and showing no signs of circulation such as normal breathing, coughing and movement. The following procedures outline staff responsibilities regarding the AED machines in the school district.

A.  Responsibilities of AED Program Coordinator:

1. Coordination of medical emergency team members as directed by school principal and distribution of team member lists for Crisis Response manuals and in school buildings.
2. Coordination of training for medical emergency team members (CPR /AED, Bloodborne pathogens, First Aid).
3. Coordination of equipment and accessory maintenance.
4. Review and recommendation for revision of policy regarding AED.
5. Monitoring the effectiveness of this program.
6. Communication with F-M Ambulance related to post event review and debriefing following use of AED in an emergency.

B.  Medical Control:

The medical advisor of the AED program is the medical director of the Fargo-Cass Public Health Department and has ongoing responsibility for :

1. Providing medical direction for the use of AEDs.
2. Writing a prescription for AEDs.
3. Reviewing and approving guidelines for emergency procedures related to use of AEDs and CPR.
4. Evaluation of post-event review forms and digital files downloaded from the AED.

C.  Authorized AED Users:

1. Employees who have successfully completed an approved CPR/AED training program within the last two years
2. Any trained volunteer responder who has successfully completed an approved CPR/AED training program in the last two years

D.  AED-Trained Employee Responsibilities:

1. Activating internal emergency response system and providing prompt basic life support including AED and first aid according to training and experience.
2. Understanding and complying with requirements of this policy.
3. Following the detailed procedures and guidelines for the AED program.

E.  Volunteer Responder Responsibilities:

Anyone, can at their discretion, provide voluntary assistance to victims of medical emergencies. The extent to which these individuals respond shall be appropriate to their training and experience. These responders are encouraged to contribute to emergency response only to the extent they are comfortable. The emergency medical response of these individuals may include CPR, AED, or medical first aid.

F.  School Office Responsibilities:

The school office staff is responsible for:

1. Receiving emergency medical calls from internal locations.
2. Using an established checklist to assess emergency and determine appropriate level of response including paging “Emergency Medical Team.”
3. Contacting the external community 9-1-1 response team (EMS) if required.
4. Assigning someone to meet responding EMS aid vehicle and direct EMS personnel to site of medical emergency.
5. The school office shall maintain training records for the trained employees.


The LIFEPAK Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) have been acquired for this program. The AED conforms to the state/county standards. One resuscitation kit will be connected to the handle of the AED. This kit contains two pair of latex-free gloves, one razor, one set of trauma shears and one face mask barrier device.

A.  Location of AEDs:

The AED will be in a central location that will allow the device to be easily seen by staff and accessible outside of normal school hours.

B.  Equipment Maintenance:

All equipment and accessories necessary for support of medical emergency response shall be maintained in a state of readiness. Specific maintenance requirements include:

1. The AED Program Coordinator or designee shall be responsible for having regular maintenance performed. All maintenance tasks shall be performed as outlined in the LIFEPAK AED Operator’s checklist which will be posted with the AED. If the machine fails to indicate an OK icon on the readiness display or if the expiration date on the electrode is near, the AED Program Coordinator or designee is to be notified immediately.

2. Following the use of an AED, all equipment shall be cleaned and/or decontaminated as required.

C.  Initial Training:

Trained employees:

1. Must complete training adequate to provide basic first-aid, CPR and AED that must be a course approved by the state.

2. Trained employees will also be trained in universal precautions against bloodborne pathogens.

3. The trained employees shall be offered hepatitis B vaccination free of charge.

D.  Volunteer Responders:

These responders will possess various amounts of training in emergency medical response and their training may be supplied by sources outside of the company. Volunteer responders can assist in emergencies, but must only participate to the extent allowed by their training and experience. Volunteer responders may have training adequate to administer first aid, CPR and use the AEDs in the schools. Any volunteer wishing to potentially use one of the AEDs deployed on the campus should have successfully completed a state approved AED course including CPR within the last twoyears. The school will not maintain training records for the volunteer responders.

E.  Refresher Training:

Trained employees will be offered first-aid and CPR in time lines as required to remain certified. Training will be made available at no cost to the employees and will be offered during the regular work hours.

F.  Medical Response Documentation:

An AED Incident Report will be completed whenever an AED is used. A copy of the report will be provided to the Medical Director of the AED program and to the local EMS provider. The AED Coordinator for the FM ambulance will be contacted to download all electronic data captured on the AED.

G.  Post-Event Review:

Following each use of the AED, a review shall be conducted to learn from the experience. The AED Program Coordinator or designee shall conduct and document the post-event review. All key participants in the event shall participate in the review. Included in the review shall be the identification of actions that went well and the collection of opportunities for improvement as well as critical incident stress debriefing. A summary of the post-event review shall be sent to the Health/Safety/Wellness Committee.

H.  Annual System Assessment:

Once each calendar year during the month of January, the AED Program Coordinator or designee shall conduct and document a system readiness review. This review shall include review of the following elements:

1. Training records
2. Equipment operation and maintenance records

The system review will be presented to the Health/Safety/Wellness Committee annually.