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Windchill: 52°F (11°C)

As of Jun 5 2024, 6:35 am

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  • Each day more than 5,500 students learn and thrive in Moorhead Area Public Schools. We are proud of your successes both inside and outside the classroom.
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  • From seeing how the district spends tax dollars to providing opportunities for lifelong learning, Moorhead Area Public Schools and the community are partners in education. We welcome your interest.
Lifelong Learning

Assistant Superintendent of Learning and Accountability

Curriculum and the instructional process are central to Moorhead Area Public School's mission of developing the maximum potential of every learner. To ensure academic success for all students, Learning and Accountability works to integrate educational delivery, planning and assessment services in the district.

Learning and Accountability directs the development and implementation of the overall E-12 curriculum and instructional program and provides support to the schools in implementing district and school improvement plans. The office also develops the goals for the district's educational programs.

Besides working with the E-12 educational program, Learning and Accountability is responsible for the district's federal programs, assessment and professional development.

The department also oversees curriculum review, development and improvement to ensure academic standards are integrated into curriculum and that curriculum meets the needs of the students. Procedures needed to carry out policies adopted by the School Board are developed by the Learning and Accountability department.

After developing a budget for the instructional aspects of the district, Learning and Accountability administers that budget in cooperation with the superintendent and assistant superintendent. The acquisition of instructional supplies, materials and equipment are approved by Learning and Accountability.

Community Education, under the leadership of the Assistant Superintendent, provides learning opportunities for citizens of all ages. The district's Community Education programs range from Early Childhood Family Education classes for young children and their parents to Adult Basic Education classes.